Meet Greg.
The social mi*lk steamerfind a dealer
Let's connect.
Perfect Moose Greg is the gregarious* automated foamer who likes holding hoofs with your espresso machine. Connect Moose Greg and they will share the espresso machine's boiler to create those tiny microbubbles you want. Smart steamer Greg likes a steady partner.
*sociable, fond of company, loves a good herd.
Why Moose Greg could be your BBB*
Greg's favourite habitat is a (specialty) coffee bar, bakery or any other place where top microfoam quality is essential. Consistency is so high, customers are bound to come back for the milk coffees. Regular volume coffee cafes, that's his thing.
Greg always works together with smart Moose pitchers of 35, 50 and 75cl / 12, 16 and 25oz. Free Moose hanky and sharpie with every device.
12 cm | 4,72 inch
62 cm | 24,4 inch
35 cm | 13,78 inches
available colors
matt black | matt white
compatible smart pitchers
35 cl | 50 cl | 75 cl
Requirements compatible espresso machine for steam supply
Semi-automatic espresso machine with separate steam boiler producing a constant pressure between 1.3 bar (18.8 psi) and 1.4 bar. Minimum power reserved for Moose should be 2400 watts. You may also hook up Greg straight to the boiler of your espresso machine.
So you're the kind that always reads the fine print? Good for you. Just saying that the manufacturer cannot be held liable for any errors that are due to inaccuracies in content. That's it, really. Oh and reserves the right to make corrections without prior notice.
Epic Greg
Epic Greg is Gregs big brother and can steam larger amounts of milk up to 1 liter. Epic Moose are especially engineered for demanding coffee shops and chains with a high milk consumption.
Looks the same as Greg, works the same, only the pitcher holder is different (plus some smart stuff inside). Before you ask, pitcher holders are not interchangeable between both devices.
Epic Greg always works together with smart Moose pitchers of 50, 75 and 100cl / 16, 25 and 33oz. Free Moose hanky and sharpie with every device.
12 cm | 4,72 inch
62 cm | 24,4 inch
35 cm | 13,78 inches
available colors
matt black | matt white
compatible smart pitchers
50 cl | 75 cl | 100 cl
Requirements compatible espresso machine for steam supply
Semi-automatic espresso machine with separate steam boiler producing a constant pressure between 1.3 bar (18.8 psi) and 1.4 bar (20.3 psi). Minimum power reserved for Moose should be 2400 watts. You may also hook up Epic Greg straight to the boiler of your espresso machine.
Sometimes there is good news hidden in the fine print. Every Moose is standard delivered with a Moose hanky (barista towel), starter's kit and user manual. Hurray.
Spot Moose Greg